
About Me

After going to several websites and constantly checking the "About" section before doing anything else, I figured it would behoove me to offer the same to people visiting my own website. So here's a quick bullet point list that I hope will hit all the high points while allowing me my internet anonymity:
  • You can call me Pulappli (Hades from Hades style)
  • I'm over 30
  • I am nonbinary and use They/Them pronouns
  • I'm bisexual and polyamorous. I currently only have one partner, my fiance (who will be mentioned on this site but not named)
  • I was an atheist before becoming a Dionysian. Due to a fair amount of religious trauma in my immediate family, I will likely not be telling them that I've converted. Something to keep in mind as it will definitely ~flavor~ the way I worship. Unlike many queer individuals, I actually have a fantastic relationship with my family, so this is a bit odd for me.
  • When I'm not futzing around on the internet or blabbing to the void about Dio, I like to write, draw, sing, sew, read, decorate, organize, and hang out with my friends and partner.
  • Purple is not my favorite color, but it is always the dominate color of any site or profile that I'm given the freedom to customize. Go figure.
  • I will add to this list if I can think of anything else that might be pertinent.