This is my virtual altar -- a place I can come to pray, pay respects, and even leave offerings of poetry, art, and symbolic images. Feel free to use this page similarly, if desired, or to take a moment to rest, if you are not a Dionysian. I wish you well either way.


My virtual altar, which depicts the interior of a temple, a statue of Dionysus, an abundance of fruits and grapes as well as wine goblets, and strings of ivy.

Dionysus -- Grant me release from reason, strength to step away from safety, faith to follow heart alone, will to close my eyes to habit, to let go of comfort, to welcome change, to bear what is torn away.

I forget how good this city feels in the dying days of summer,

the sun finally dipping past the trees and condos

'Til I'm standing on the edge of sundown with that shade against my face

and I feel You there in the shadow

in the song of persistence that I sing with my friends

in the sychronized crowd and the tang of my beer

You might be the god of wine, but why discriminate

when it's all a good time?

Offering left 9/22/2023