

Honestly, I'm making this link page for myself. I find it easier and cleaner than using bookmarks, don't ask me why. Hopefully some of this is fun/helpful to you as well!

Learn About Dionysus

Resources for my research into Dionysus. Some of this I've read/watched and some I haven't.

  • Dionysus Prayers - Some modern prayers to Dionysus
  • Theoi Greek Mythology - Basically required websurfing for every Hellenic Polytheist. This link goes directly to the page on Dionysus.
  • r/dionysus on Reddit - A subreddit specifically for Dionysus. Lots of resources and probably the largest meeting space for Dionysians on the web.
  • The Dionysion - An old webpage dedicated to Dionysus. Lots of links, but many are likely broken, since it's been over 20 years since the last update.

Present Day Web

Interesting websites from the good part of the internet, all still current, and nothing falling apart due to digital decay (yet).

  • Poolsuite - 1980's Miami Beach style online radio. The vibes are impecible.
  • Skyhold - A cool website of creative projects, writing, and witchy stuff that I'd like to explore more.
  • Project Gutenberg - Public domain books, plays, poetry and more, all free to download in multiple formats, or to simply read online. Includes modern work in multiple genres published directly into the pubic domain, if you're not much for the older stuff.
  • SomaFM - Online radio of many genres
  • 9128 - More online radio, this time with chat!
  • Kidpix Online - I love using simplier drawing programs like this and MS Paint when I'm feeling art blocked. It takes the pressure off :>
  • Dither-Me-This - Upload a picture to make it automatically dithered! Do it for the look or to make your files smaller.
  • FrogFind - A search engine for retro computers. From the website itself: "The search functionality of FrogFind is basically a custom wrapper for DuckDuckGo search, converting the results to extremely basic HTML that old browsers can read."
  • Marginalia - An alternative search engine for non-commercial sites. I honestly mostly hit "random" just to see what I'll get!
  • Wiby - Another alternative search engine. Again, I mostly hit "surprise me" to see what'll happen.
  • GifCities - Search for old gifs from the days of geocities
  • Just For Fun - A bunch of creative coding projects to browse
  • The Satyrs' Forest Linkroll - This is literally just someone's link page, but it's a really cool link page and I enjoy clicking around on it.

Nostalgic Old Web

Delights from cyberspace past, including websites I loved as a kid (mostly webcomics). PLEASE NOTE: A lot of this stuff is from the early 2000's and has tropes, stereotypes, and messaging that, while I enjoyed/overlooked/passively took in as a dumb 11-year-old, I do not endorse or find acceptable today. I have not vetted these sites and they might be different from my memory of them from 20 years ago. So, you know, keep that in mind while poking around.

  • Phee's Coloring Pages - Some adorable fairy coloring pages free to download
  • Shadowlark Symphony - An unfinished webcomic that really drew me and my sibling in with its art back in the day. It was rebooted once in the later 2000's on a new website (now only accessable through the Wayback Machine) and then again in 2018 on Tumblr (possibly -- all content is now removed and the blog is empty). The creator is still online and I think has plans to try and reboot it again. It's all a mess. But this website is still here and still takes me all the way back.
  • 9th Elsewhere - An unfinished webcomic from my childhood. I loved it so much, I wrote terrible middle school fanfiction for it. Both the authors and website are long gone, but luckily it was backed up by some kind souls to the Internet Achive.
  • Tsunami Channel - My absolute favorite website and webcomic when I was a kid. I found most of the webcomics I read back in the day from this site (go to links and then click "webcomics" under the "Navigation" heading). The main comic was "Experimental Comic Kotone" and it is unfinished. Left off on a huge cliffhanger, too :P Be warned, this comic is baby's first trashy harem.

Web Resources

Stuff I wanna keep tabs on for webmaster purposes.

  • Online Notepad - I use this to write up my blog posts
  • HTML Cheatsheet - Because I don't actually know write up and have to look the basics up constantly
  • Preview Website Code - So maybe I can stop making a million micro-updates to my website to check and see if I did it right.
  • Seamless Patterns on Pixbay - Just a bunch of what it says on the tin from a creative commons source, in case I ever want to move on from this website's current Web 1.0 vibe.
  • Pexels - Free to use photography